HealPay is affiliated with the following industry organizations and associations.
Receivables Management Association International
Receivables Management Association International is the nonprofit trade association that represents more than 550 companies that support the purchase, sale, and collection of performing and nonperforming receivables on the secondary market.
General Bar Legal Network
For almost one century, lawyers, collection agencies, debt buyers, credit insurance companies and many other industry professionals have preferred using GENERAL BAR when the need arises to retain legal counsel.
National Creditors Bar Association
The National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA) is a bar association dedicated to serving law firms engaged in the practice of creditors rights law.
National Association of Subrogation Professionals
NASP was established in November 1998, to meet the needs of the subrogation industry and to provide educational opportunities for insurance professionals.
Midwest Acquirers Association
The Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA) Mission is to provide a regional opportunity for training, education and networking in the Midwest acquiring community. They provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to the payments industry.
Michigan Creditors Bar Association
The Michigan Creditors Bar Association (MCBA) provides professional education as well as social event and networking opportunities for attorneys, paralegals, judges, court officers and members of the collection industry.
Credit & Collection Education Forum
The mission of the Credit & Collection Education Forum (CCEF) is to provide dedicated support, education, and industry-leading materials to our members to assist their staff in optimizing their business practices in the area of credit and collection.
Michigan Association of Collection Agencies
The objects and purposes of the Michigan Association of Collection Agencies (MACA) is to further and promote the general welfare of the collection practices in the State of Michigan, regulate practices, prescribe ethics, and to promote proper conduct among its members.