
HealPay is proud to participate as an exhibitor at the CLC NY Creditors Bar Conference

By: Ray Modad

HealPay is proud to participate as an exhibitor at the Commercial Lawyers Conference, Inc of New York, Creditors Bar Conference, June 27th in Plainview, New York at the Holiday Inn-Plainview, 215 Sunnyside Blvd. Plainview, NY.

HealPay Business Development Manager Ray Modad will be attending. This is HealPay’s first trip to the NY Creditors Bar and we’re looking forward to connecting with our clients and the many Collection Law Firms in the Greater New York area. The NY Creditors Bar provides valuable opportunities to connect with the state’s leading creditors rights attorneys and introduce them to HealPay’s innovative consumer-friendly payments software.

The Commercial Lawyers Conference of New York is a duly organized Bar Association which provides a forum for creditor’s attorneys to discuss, explore, and work together to navigate the ever-changing landscape in the practice of commercial collection law, consumer debt collection, medical debt collection, and judgment enforcement. The CLC provides best practices, forms to be used, provide updates in the changes in the law, administrative rulings, and notable decisions.